How do I fill my car’s A/C?

Have you ever been curious about the Do-It-Yourself A/C refrigerant charging kits? It may be tempting when you are cruising around in a hot car, BUT it is NOT a good decision.


Here are 3 Reasons to Say NO to DIY A/C Charge Kits:

1) They are a very inaccurate way of adding refrigerant.

A/C systems are made to operate with a very specific amount of refrigerant and oil in them. Adding refrigerant out of a spray can with a hose till it “feels right” can lead to an incorrect charge in the system. Your A/C system can be damaged by being used with too much or too little refrigerant. The temporary relief may be causing bigger problems!


2) They almost always contain a Stop Leak chemical.

Your A/C system was not designed to have Stop Leak in them. A/C systems have very small passages in some areas and very delicate moving parts in others. The Stop Leak will restrict the small passages and gum up the moving parts. This can cause costly repairs down the road.

Stop Leak will also damage the equipment used by professionals next time your A/C is serviced at a shop. In the past when we recovered refrigerant from a vehicle with Stop Leak in it, it contaminated our machine. It clogged many passages, ruined several pressure sensors, and restricted the main manifold. Many professional repair facilities, including Tim’s, will not service A/C systems with Stop Leak installed because of the risk of damaging costly equipment.


3) Refrigerant is Harmful to the Environment.

According to the EPA, any repairs done on A/C systems should only be performed by people with refrigeration licenses and approved recovery and recycling equipment. The environmentally responsible way to repair your A/C is going to a licensed professional who uses the proper equipment and techniques to keep our environment safe.


If your vehicle’s A/C isn’t working, let the mechanics at Tim’s take a look!

Make a reservation today!


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